Throat lozenges help singer's voice, but not his case
par Gaetan L. Charlebois
dans The Gazette, 14 octobre 2007

Star-Mania: Is it just us or are our vedettes going mental? First comes news that singer Mario Pelchat is in the courts again. You might remember that Pelchat went through the legal system a while back for another road-related incident: rage. He was accused of smacking about another driver and was subsequently found guilty. This time out, the arresting officer said in her testimony that she first smelled a strong odour of alcohol when Pelchat rolled down his window, then one of throat lozenges (for his voice, the singer claims). Let's just say that if we were Pelchat we'd hire ourselves a chauffeur.

Then, in the category of WTF! (wherefore the fiddlesticks!), is chanteuse Marie-Chantal Toupin, who made a load o' noise two years ago when she very publicly and messily split from her manager/ husband/Svengali, Eduardo Da Costa (who once bragged that he took 50 per cent of her earnings).

Well, guess what? - she's back with him. In a press conference two weeks ago she told all and sundry that he was her "René Angélil." Say what you want about Céline and her silverback - they never came off as bat-guano crazy.

About Paris: Roméo Dallaire and Roy Dupuis passed through as guests on Tout le monde en parle and were asked, "Paris Hilton wants to go to Rwanda on a humanitarian mission; what do you think?" Answered Dupuis - ironically or truthfully we don't know but wisely, we are certain, "Who?"

Lot's Story: Journal de Montréal went behind the scenes of the TQS reali-T&A show, Loft Story (now on the air every friggin' night), and found that the kids locked in the loft of the title have to sign an eight-page contract.

Says JdeM, one thing the contract does not and cannot cover but which is explained to the contestants in briefings, is that when the lofters decide to get jiggy with it in front of those ubiquitous 24/7 web cameras people subscribe to watch, that some of the ... er ... jigginess might just find its way out past TQS's control and onto, say, YouTube. Two couldn't-keep-it-in-their-pantsers found that out the hard way last year.

Watch Out For: At the Festival du nouveau cinéma (see above), we particularly like a little item in the Focus: Québec/Canada part of the fest: Ice Cream. Why? Because it's made by Jean Leclerc, who used to be known as Jean Leloup and who still sings and is also, always, pretty "interesting." There's one more showing: 3 p.m., next Saturday, at the Imperial.

Quick Takes: Tout le monde en parle battles for ratings against Occupation Double: Badly aging, tedious host of only occasionally interesting guests vs. hot, shaved bodies in full rut - who will win?! Who cares. ... Louise Harel and the "Hasbeens": Unkind. True. But Unkind.
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